Understanding Networks

Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption Definitions

Encryption is the process of scrambling the contents of a file in order to hide its contents. In order to scramble (encrypt) a file’s contents one needs a key, or “cipher text”, so that the file can be unscrambled (decrypted) when necessary. Encryption is useful for ensuring information privacy and security between parties. In symmetric[…]

Packet Analysis With Wireshark

For this assignment our class was tasked with collecting packet data with the Wireshark tool. I chose to run Wireshark on my home network while running YouTube, Authy, Notion, ProtonMail Client, and Spotify on my laptop, Netflix on my iPad, and texting friends on my phone, for an hour. For half of that time I[…]

Looking at Packet Routes with Traceroute Assignment

Introduction For this assignment we were tasked to use the “traceroute” command line command to garner insight into the trajectories of information packets across IP addresses when we try to access certain websites. I chose to analyze traffic from adultswim.com (a media streaming site), duckduckgo.com (a search engine), drive.google.com (Google Drive), popvapor.com (a vendor), reddit.com[…]

Set Up A Host Assignment

Setup On September 8th, 2020, I spun up a virtual server through the Digital Ocean service to Tom Igoe’s assignment specifications. Our assignment was to leave our server running for a week with an Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) and to observe and analyze the firewall’s logs of attempted connections to our server. On September 14th, I[…]